Tips to grill salmon with soft texture
speaking of Japanese food, many people will think of Donburi, Sashimi and Sushi. Another popular dish of Japanese restaurants is Grilled salmon in teriyaki sauce.

However, it is quite difficult to grill salmon to have soft texture. Today, Ajinomoto has some tips to grill salmon with soft and moist texture. What you need is just foil and pan.
You just top salmon with teriyaki sauce and then wrap with foil tightly before grilled on pan for 10 minutes on each side. After that, top cooked salmon with little teriyaki sauce, sprinkle roasted sesame on salmon, and put it aside hot rice

Just this, you will have delectable grilled salmon in teriyaki sauce with delicate sweet taste of teriyaki sauce and scented smell of roasted sesame that can add taste of teriyaki sauce and meat. The problem of fish sticking to pan will be gone and it is convenient and quick that you can apply with pork, chicken and other donburi menus. You will be ensured that your restaurant will have countless menus from only a bottle of teriyaki sauce.